Great Manga History Traces from Edo
The Kyoto International Manga Museum is pleased to present the exhibition 'Great Manga History Traces from Edo - Toba-e, Punch, Manga'. There are various theories about the origin of Japanese manga, however this exhibition approaches manga as a mass media, and considers its starting point to be giga (comical woodblock prints) from the mid-Edo period, with the development of printing and publishing culture. We will explore the path of magazines and other publications from the Edo period up to the early Showa period, while showcasing precious items from the museum's collection. What sort of path did Japanese manga take in its development? Please take this opportunity to come and see for yourself.
Period | November 14, 2015 - February 7, 2016 First part: November 14 - December 27, 2015 Second part: January 4 - February 7, 2016 ◇10am - 6pm (Admission to the museum is until 5:30pm) ◇Closed: Wednesdays (Except 12/23), also closed 12/24, 12/28 - 1/3 |
Venue | Kyoto International Manga Museum, 2F, Galleries 1,2,3 |
Fee | Free * However, a General Admission ticket to the Museum is required. |
Organization: Kyoto International Manga Museum,
Kyoto Seika University International Research Center (imrc).
Under the supervision of Isao Shimizu
(Manga Museum research consultant, manga and caricature history researcher)
Support: Takezasado co.,ltd
八代目市川団十郎 行年三十二歳
作者不詳 嘉永7年(1854)
歌川国利 年代不明
Exhibition Contents
- About 150 Edo period giga and giga books.
- About 30 color printed giga from the Meiji period.
- Manga magazines from the Meiji, Taisho and early Showa periods.
* The above materials will be displayed across two exhibition periods.
Exhibition Structure
The start of manga?
The birth of mass produced manga as a product of mid-Edo period giga1-1 Edo Publishing - The appearance of toba-e books and various giga styles 1-2 Edo's hit artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi and fūshi-ga
1-3 Common methods of expression in Edo giga
1-4 Utagawa Hirokage's 'Comical Views of Famous Places in Edo' 1-5 Kawanabe Kyosai's series 'One Hundred Pictures by Kyosai' - The age of Punch manga
The birth of occupational manga artists2-1 The last age of giga nishiki-e
2-2 Western European influence and the magazine boom
2-3 From the Punch book boom to manga books
2-4 Taisho period manga artists and magazines
2-5 Taisho period manga books - Early Showa period to wartime
The rise of story manga3-1 Early Showa period manga magazines and the fad of nonsense manga 3-2 Pre-war manga books in the Showa period
Instead of the end... manga Manga MANGA
N.B.: Exhibition artwork subject to change.
This is the video
"How to Make Woodblock Prints ~Takezasado~"
that you can watch in the gallery
Related Events
Special Workshop
Let's make an Edo giga New Year's card using woodblock prints!
Have you written your New Year's greeting cards yet? Let's make an Edo giga New Year's card, taught by crafstmen from Takezasado a woodblock studio with over 120 years of history in Kyoto.
Date | November 28, 2015, 2pm-4pm |
Venue | Kyoto International Manga Museum, 1F, Multi-purpose hall |
Guest | Takezasado co.,ltd (http://www.takezasa.co.jp) |
Fee | 1,500 yen * However, a General Admission ticket to the Museum is required. |
Capacity | 30 people (on a first come basis) |
How to participate | To apply, register you details (name, age, and phone number) by telephone (075-254-7414), or in person at the museum. Please pay the materials fee at the desk in front of the venue hall, on the day of the event. |
Notes | Elementary school age children and below must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Please wear clothing that you don't mind getting dirty. |
* Please note that this workshop is a different price to the regular workshops held by Takezasado, and is a special price for this exhibition.

Edo giga and modern manga
Lecture by supervising exhibition curator Shimizu Isao.
Date | December 12, 2015, 2pm-4pm |
Venue | Kyoto International Manga Museum, 3F, Research room 1 |
Fee | Free * However, a General Admission ticket to the Museum is required. |
Capacity | 50 people (on a first come basis) |
How to participate | No pre-registration required |
Lecture content |
Go for your manga PhD!
The secret of manga traced from Edo caricatures
Workshop participants will be given a special mini-book to use in conjunction with the exhibition.
Take the quiz in the book to go for your doctorate in manga!
Period |
Every Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays between November 14, 2015 - February 14, 2016 11:00 am. - 17:00 pm. |
Venue | Kyoto International Manga Museum 1F Atrium |
Fee | Free * However, a General Admission ticket to the Museum is required. |
Capacity | Unlimited |
Participation | Pre-registration is not required. |
Related merchandize
Takezasado co.,ltd×Great Manga History Traces from Edo
Price:1,200 yen +tax
Takezasado co.,ltd×Great Manga History Traces from Edo
Price:1,200 yen +tax
Takezasado co.,ltd×Great Manga History Traces from Edo
Price:600 yen +tax
※Pattern will be different
Items will be start to sell from November 21.
Clear file folder (3 types)
Price:300 yen each +tax
Pstcard (10 types)
Price:130 yen each +tax / Set of 10, 910 yen +tax
河鍋狂斎 文久3年(1863)
作者不詳 慶応期(1865~68)

青物魚軍勢大合戦之図 歌川広景 安政6年(1859)/ 所蔵:京都国際マンガミュージアム
About Shimizu Isao
Born in Tokyo in 1939, Shimizu is a historian specializing in manga and caricature. He is curator of the Nihon manga shiryokan (The Archives of Japanese Cartoon History). He was awarded the first Takahashi Kunitaro Award for his research on Georges Bigot in 1982, and in 1986 was awarded the 15th Japan Cartoonists Association Special Award for his many years of manga history research. He has written more than 100 books including 'Manga no rekishi' (The History of Manga, pub: Iwanami Shinso); 'Sazae-san no shotai (The true identity of Sazae-san, pub: Heibonsha) Osaka manga-shi (Osaka Manga History, pub: Newton press); 'Zusetsu manga no rekishi' (Illustrated History of Manga, pub: Kawade Shobo Shinsha); 'Edo giga jiten' (Encyclopedia of Edo comical woodblock prints, pub: Rinsen Shoten); and 'Hokusai Manga' (pub: Heibonsha Shinsho).
Please note that the schedule, performers, and contents are subject to change.