International Symposium

Anime Identity: Style, Narrative, Medium

This symposium at the Kyoto International Manga Museum presents researchers from Japan, the US, Korea, Turkey and Spain to share their expertise on anime. In contrast to previous approaches to anime as one sub-category within the broader field of animation, this symposium focuses specifically on 'anime' with papers stretching from the analysis of its narrative structure, particular movement and voice to media-theoretical and philosophical considerations. Furthermore, it is less anime as culture and industry which takes center stage here, but anime's aesthetic identity, i.e., those material, structural and technological aspects that make anime immediately recognizable on a global scale. In addition to seven individual papers, the symposium features a critical dialogue between two world-renowned anime scholars, Alexander Zahlten (Harvard University) and Kim Joon Yang (Niigata University).

Time April 25, 2015 1 pm-5:45 pm
Venue Kyoto International Manga Museum, 1F, Multipurpose Hall

Free * However, a General Admission ticket to the Museum is required.


Part I (talks in English with partial Japanese translation)

Chair: Jaqueline Berndt (Kyoto Seika University, Graduate School of Manga)
Commentator: Gan Sheuo Hui (National University of Singapore, Department of Japanese Studies

  1. Stevie Suan (Kyoto Seika University, Graduate School of Manga): Anime Aesthetics: A System of Conventionalized Performative Elements
  2. Selen Çalık (Kyoto Seika University, Graduate School of Manga): Playful Limits: Rethinking Differences between Anime and Games through Gurren Lagann
  3. Alba G. Torrents (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; The Japan Foundation fellow, Kyoto Seika University): Animetic Potentiality and the Boundaries of the Narrative: An Attempt at Involving Bergson, Simondon and Deleuze in Anime Studies

Part II (in Japanese, with partial consecutive English interpretation)

"Defining 'Anime': Mobility, Media, Plasticity"

A Dialogue between Alexander Zahlten (Harvard University, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations) & Kim Joon Yang (Niigata University, Faculty of Humanities)

Part III (in Japanese with partial consecutive English interpretation)

Chair: Jaqueline Berndt (Kyoto Seika University, Graduate School of Manga)
Commentator: Tsugata Nobuyuki (Kyoto Seika University, Graduate School of Manga)

  1. Oya Yasunori (Kyoto Seika University, International Manga Research Center): Meme as Convention, as Seen in Anime Style and Form
  2. Morishita Toyomi (Kyoto Seika University, Graduate School of Manga): Anime in Amateur Production: The Case of the «Union of Animation Research Circles»
  3. Kobayashi Sho (Kyoto Seika University, Graduate School of Manga): Voice as an Identifying Element of Anime: On the Performances of Voice Actress Sakakibara Yoshiko
  4. Ishida Minori (Niigata University, Faculty of Humanities): Rotoscope and «Anime»: The Aku no Hana (Flowers of Evil) series
Participation 150 people  (on a first come basis)
How to participate Pre-registration is not required.


Kyoto International Manga Museum, International Manga Research Center and Graduate School of Manga, Kyoto Seika University.

Supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Challenging Exploratory Research "Transdisciplinary Research on Form and Experience of «Voice» in the Digital Age"

Please note that the schedule, performers, and contents are subject to change.

-IMRC- 国際マンガ研究センター
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