日時 | 2014年7月12日(土)午後2時~5時45分 | |
会場 | 京都国際マンガミュージアム 3階 研究室1 | |
料金 | 無料 ※ミュージアムへの入場料は別途必要です | |
司会 | ジャクリーヌ・ベルント(京都精華大学マンガ研究科) | |
定員 | 40名(先着順) | |
参加方法 | 事前申込不要 | |
問合わせ先 | berndt@kyoto-seika.ac.jp |
発表者 |
グエン・ホン・フック (NGUYỄN PHÚC HỒNG ) 三つの孫悟空:「西遊記」のマンガ化における人間観 |
呂萌(Lü Meng) 中国における日本アニメの伝播 海賊版と正規版のマルチメディア化を中心に |
河合志帆 コスプレ研究-イベント会場のあり方とコミュニティにおける特徴の参与観察による解明- |
コメンテータ |
三宅俊夫(ベネツィア大学日本学科、現代日本文化研究) Dr. Toshio Miyake |
第2部:特別講演会 Special Lecture
*This special lecture will be held in English.
"Sociological Perspectives on Japanese Manga in America, and the Importance of Considering Japanese Theoretical Arguments (Azuma, Saito, Otsuka)"
Speaker | Dr. Casey Brienza (City University London, Dept. of Culture and Creative Industries, Lecturer in Publishing and Digital Media) |
Toshio MIYAKE is adjunct lecturer in Japanese social and cultural studies at Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Italy). He is author of a monograph on the Japanese representations of the "West" (Occidentalismi, Cafoscarina 2010) and has been recipient of a Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship for a research project on Occidentalism, Orientalism and self-Orientalism in Italy-Japan relations.
Casey Brienza
Casey Brienza is a sociologist specializing in the study of the culture industries and transnational cultural production. Over the past several years, her research has progressed along two parallel streams. The first of these is an investigation of the social organization and transnational influence of the culture industries, using manga publishing in the United States as a case study. The second stream is related to the digital technologies of publishing and reading which have emerged at the beginning of the 21st century. Her doctoral thesis, titled "Domesticating Manga: Japanese Comics, American Publishing, and the Transnational Production of Culture," is currently being revised into a book manuscript.
Related Publications:
(2014). "Sociological Perspectives on Japanese Manga in America," Sociology Compass 8/5: 468-477, 10.1111/soc4.12158.
(2013). "Comics and Cultural Work: Introduction," Comics Forum, Dec. 2, Web.
(2012). "Taking Otaku Theory Overseas: Comics Studies and Japan's Theorists of Postmodern Cultural Consumption." (in special issue From Akira to Zizek: Comics and Contemporary Cultural Theory, edited by Tony Venezia), Studies in Comics 3 (2): 213-229.
(2011). "Manga is for Girls: American Publishing Houses and the Localization of Japanese Comic Books." Logos: Journal of the World Publishing Community 22 (4): 41-53.
(2010). "Producing Comics Culture: A Sociological Approach to the Study of Comics." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 1 (2): 105-119.