Venue1F Workshop corner
ParticipationNo reservation required
Please come to the venue on the day
You can participate anytime during the event. -
ArtistPhilippe Girard (bande dessinée artist)
OrganizationKyoto International Manga Museum
Kyoto Seika University International Manga Research Center
Kyoto Prefecture
Quebec Province Government -
CooperationQuebec City
Special SupportFestival de la BD francophone de Québec
One of the exhibited BD artists Philippe Girard will be creating new pages of his new book currently he’s working on in front of very eyes. Don’t miss such a rare opportunity to get a look of behind the BD scene!
Artist Profile

Philippe Girard
Born in Quebec City, Philippe Girard (aka PhlppGrrd) started drawing comics in 1997 in a student newspapers and soon created the fanzine Tabasko!, with authors Leif Tande and Djief. In 1999, he joined forces with several authors concerned with creating a new Quebec comic culture and established a new publishing structure, Mécanique générale. Over the years, his bibliography has grown to about twenty comic books in French, in English and Russian, as well as six youth novels and one adult novel.
With a style that touches humor and introspection, and a characteristic drawing close to the ligne claire movement, his work addresses several recurring themes, including death and the idea of identity. Over the years, his books have won him various awards in Quebec, Canada, Serbia and Japan. His latest book, Le Couperet, was published by Mécanique générale in Spring 2017.
*Please note that the schedule, performers, and contents are subject to change.
ExhibitionDo you know Quebec comics? -25 significant moments and 7 authors
In response to the many requests, the duration of the exhibition has been extended from 13th to 20th. -
EventExhibition "Do you know Quebec comics?" related eventGallery Talk and Live Drawing
Gallery Talk 11:00-
Live Drawing 14:00-16:00 -
WorkshopExhibition "Do you know Quebec comics?" related workshopLet's make artwork with Quebec BD artist Réal Godbout!2018年2月4日(日) 18/1/29 13:30 〜 18/1/29 15:30