ParticipantPlease check the details below.
OrganizationKyoto International Manga Museum
Kitakyushu Manga Museum -
Special supportTranquilizer product Ltd.
The competitions mentioned below will be held during the period of “Takemiya Keiko 50th Anniversary Exhibition –Kaleidoscope-”.
Winners of each competition will get a handwritten autograph of Takemiya Keiko as a present. The results of the competitions will be announced at the event “Takemiya Keiko Thanks Fair” on Sepember 8 (Sun). Please apply for a chance to win!
Deadline is July 31!
Additional information for the competitions!(2019/4/25)The “MM award” will be given to ten applicants of each competition.
All of the winners (MM award and award of excellence) will get a special gift, “The World of Girls’ Comics -Genga’ (Dash)’s Ten Year Trajectory-“, which is a catalog not for sale currently.
For more information about the exhibition “Takemiya Keiko 50th Anniversary Exhibition –Kaleidoscope-”, please check out the special web site mentioned below.
- Play reading competition for “Kaze to ki no uta” (The Poem of Wind and Trees) in dialects
You can choose a scene of “The Poem of Wind and Trees” and change the speeches by using a different dialect. Please record it or take a video of it and send the file to takemiyakeiko50[at]gmail.com
(at=@). You can also share the file with us on Twitter if you put a hashtag “#takemiya50” after following the official Twitter account of the exhibition(@takemiya50)We will contact the winners by email or DM on Twitter.
*If possible, please let us know which scene you chose when you apply for the competition. - Cosplay competition for Takemiya Keiko’s manga characters.
Please send us a picture(s) of you cosplaying Takemiya Keiko’s characters. You can choose any character from any manga of Takemiya Keiko! Send the file to takemiyakeiko50[at]gmail.com
(at=@) or share the file with us on Twitter with the hashtag “#takemiya50” after following the official Twitter account of the exhibition(@takemiya50). We will contact the winners by email or DM on Twitter.
If you are going to participate in Takemiya Keiko Thanks Fair (Sep 8) and if you want to come wearing a cosplay costume, you are welcome to.
*Please mention which character you cosplayed and in which manga title the character appears. - Photo competitions of “Gilbert bench” and “Kabe Dan” at Takemiya Keiko Exhibition
At the exhibition venue, there are life-size character blow-ups (“Gilbert bench” and “Kabe Dan”). You can take pictures with them and send the pictures to us to apply for the competitions. If you have taken pictures with them at different exhibition venues of the same exhibition before, you can also send them to us.Takemiya Keiko being “Kabe Dan-ned”
“Gilbert bench” and Takemiya Keiko
You can send your photos to takemiyakeiko50[at]gmail.com (at=@) or share the file with us on Twitter if use the hashtag “#takemiya50” after following the official Twitter account of the exhibition(@takemiya50). We will contact the winners by email or DM on Twitter.
*Photos or other files you send to us to apply for the competitions can be used for events or public relations of Kyoto International Manga Museum. Please be aware of this before applying.

Takemiya Keiko
Born in Tokushima prefecture. “Kokonotu no yujo” created by Takemiya was published in COM in 1967, and the next year she debuted professionally with ‘Ringo no tsumi’ (Sin of the apple) in Weekly Margaret. “Kaze to ki no uta” (The Poem of Wind and Trees), themed Shonenai*, has been considered a masterpiece of human drama since its release and influenced the next generation of shojo manga. There are many other manga titles that she created such as “Terra e…” (To Terra…), “Tenma no ketsuzoku” and more. She won the 9th Seiun Award (Best comic section), the 25th Shogakukan Manga Award and the 41st Japan Cartoonists Association Award (Minister of Education, Science and Technology Award). Also, she received the Japanese Medal of Honor with purple ribbon in 2014. She took up a professorship at Kyoto Seika University in 2000, and was the president of the same institution between 2014-2018. She is presently working as a professor of the graduate school, the head of the research center at the university, and the president of Japan Society for Studies in Cartoons and Comics. *Boy love
*Please note that the schedule, performers, and contents are subject to change.
ExhibitionTakemiya Keiko 50th Anniversary Exhibition –Kaleidoscope-2019年4月27日(土) 〜 9月8日(日)
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EventRelated event for “Takemiya Keiko 50th Anniversary Exhibition –Kaleidoscope-”Takemiya Keiko Thanks Fair2019年9月8日(日) 19/8/17 14:00 〜 19/8/17 16:00