VenueFisrt section (13:00-14:00) : Galley 6
Second section (14:10-15:00): Japanese style room
VR experience (15:00-17:00): Japanese style room -
Fee30 people *First come basis
ParticipationNo pre-registration required
Numbered tickets will be distributed to the people who are willing to do VR experience.
It's first come basis so please note that we may limit the number of participants. -
OrganizationKyoto International Manga Museum
Kyoto Crossmedia Promotion Agency
x10studio inc.
We are holding a talk event commemorating Stan Sakai’s visit to Japan who is an author of Usagi Yojimbo, a popular American comic series which has been around more than 30 years, translated and published in 14 countries. He will be talking about Usagi Yojimbo and how samurai stories are treated overseas. There also will be live drawing and autograph session too.
Fisrt section (13:00-14:00) : Galley 6
Talk event “Masterwork of “Usagi Yojimbo” Series” with Stan Sakai and Moriwaki Kiyotaka
*Room changing to the Japanese style room after the talk.
Second section (14:10-15:00): Japanese style room
Live drawing by Mr. Sakai then autograph session.
*You will get the signature on a card that the museum provides. You cannot request autographs on other items such as books and cards. *Your name must be written on the card when you get their signatures.
VR experience (15:00-17:00)
You will be able to experience the VR with VR device.
1. “Ninja Dojo (trial)” (about 6 min.)
A training game of Neko Ninjas from Usagi Yojimbo becoming ninja. You can take the lessons of Shuriken and Katana.
2. “Nijo castle in Edo period” (about 6 min.)
It’s marking the 150th anniversary since the Taisei Hokan (returning power to the throne), you will be able to experience the Nijo castle at the period with characters made by Stan Sakai.
*Please note that the schedule, performers, and contents are subject to change.