About the fire at “Kyoto Animation”

 We would like to express our condolences and sympathies to all the people who suffered from the fire at the animation production company “Kyoto Animation” building on July 18, 2019. We cannot repress our deep sorrow and anger in the face of this shocking news.

 At Kyoto Seika University, we have been working on education and researching video art expressions, particularly in the animation course from the faculty of manga. Kyoto International Manga Museum, a joint project with Kyoto city, is also managed by the university. Also, several graduates from the university are involved with Kyoto Animation.

 From that position, we would like to begin fundraising for the recovery of Kyoto Animation after such a tremendous loss and for the succession of anime culture, which is supported worldwide.

 We deeply appreciate your support.

July 19, 2019
President of Kyoto Seika University
Oussouby SACKO

【Donation box can be found at the places below.】
    2nd floor of the main building at Kyoto Seika University
    At Kyoto International Manga Museum

* We will report on the amount and use of the donation later.
 Also, we are thinking about collecting other donations in the future.