Old Exhibitions & Events

Old Exhibitions & Events

First period: 2017/5/27-6/27 1969年にデビューしたマンガ家・山岸凉子は「アラベスク」や「日出処の天子」などの大ヒット作を生み出し、巧みな心理描写と画面構成で読者を魅了し続けています。2007年に「テレプシコーラ-舞姫-」が手塚治虫文化賞マンガ大賞を受賞、現在も「レベレーション-啓示-」(『モーニング』講談社)を連載し、熱狂的な人気を集めています。
デビューから最新作までのメタモルフォーゼ(変容)をお楽しみください。 Since debuting in 1969, manga artist Yamagishi Ryoko has produced hits including Arabesque and Hiizuru tokoro no Tenshi (Emperor of the Land of the Rising Sun), and continues to charm readers with her layout compositions and skilled descriptions of human psychology. In 2007 Terepsikola - Maihime (The dancing girl Τερψιχόρα) won the 11th Tezuka Osamu Cultural Award grand prize. Even today Τερψιχόρα – Revelations is serialized (in Morning published by Kodansha) to wildly popular acclaim.
This exhibition offers a retrospective of Yamagishi’s works, as an installment of last year’s touring exhibition from the Yayoi Museum in Tokyo. In our museum we have 34 newly exhibited original works from Hiizuru tokoro no Tenshi. Please enjoy viewing the metamorphosis undertaken from debut to her most recent works.
Karasuma-Oike, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-0846 Japan
TEL: +81 75-254-7414
FAX: +81-75-254-7424