Mar 23, 2020
To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, Kyoto International Manga Museum was closed temporarily between Feb 29 (Sun) and Mar 22 (Sun). We have decided to open the museum from Mar 23 (Mon) under some restrictions.
In order to prevent the spread of the virus due to a high number of visitors at one time, we might not let people enter the museum temporarily. Thanks for your understanding and for your cooperation.
For those who have a yearly passport for the museum that was valid between Feb 29 and Mar 22, 2020, the passport can be used for one more month from the expiry date. Ex) A yearly passport that expires on Mar 22 will be valid until Apr 22.
Invitation tickets for the museum that expire on Apr 30, 2020, can be used for one month from that date. Ex) Invitation tickets that expires on Apr 30 will be valid until May 30.
The following events will be canceled until Mar 31 (Tue) for the time being.
・Kamishibai (picture show)
・Portlait corner
・Manga studio
・Children’s library
The museum shop and the café will be open.
We have sanitized the museum during its temporary closure.We hope that you enjoy the museum safely.

Thank you for your understanding.
Kyoto International Manga Museum