1 (Tue.) Rakkyomu
3 (Thu.) Danmaru
4 (Fri.) Ikkyu
5 (Sat.) Rakkyomu
6 (Sun.) Rakkyomu
7 (Mon.) Danmaru
8 (Tue.) Danmaru
9 (Wed.) Rakkyomu
10 (Tue.) Ikkyu
11 (Fri.) Rakkyomu
12 (Sat.) Ikkyu
13 (Sun.) Danmaru
14 (Mon.) Danmaru
15 (Tue.) Ikkyu
16 (Wed.) Ikkyu
17 (Thu.) Rakkyomu
18 (Fri.) Rakkyomu
19 (Sat.) Danmaru
20 (Sun.) Ikkyu
21 (Mon.) Rakkyomu
22 (Tue.) Ikkyu
24 (Thu.) Rakkyomu
25 (Fri.) Ikkyu
26 (Sat.) Ikkyu
27 (Sun.) Rakkyomu
28 (Mon.) Ikkyu
29 (Tue.) Ikkyu
31 (Thu.) Danmaru
The rainy season has gone, cicadas cry a lot, then the summer vacation.
So bright sunshine shine on us.
Here comes the real summer!!!
Until you get suntan,
run and play, sweat and laugh a lot.
Then, this season becomes everyone’s growing season.
Some understand each other, others don’t.
Some suddenly laugh, and the others suddenly cry.
Some call “Me!!” a lot crazily.
So many different people come here.
As this season is a growing season for everyone,
we can say this is OUR growing season as well.
All audience let us grow step by step.
This summer,
please come with yourself, friends, families, couples to Kamishibai.
Don’t forget to bring your energy.
We are waiting for you with our great energy
at the Kamishibai room on the 2nd floor.