[Manga Studio] March Artist Schedule

☆Manga Studio Artist Schedule☆


2(Sat) Kojima / Lim
3(Sun) Kojima / Lim
9(Sat) Kojima / Lim
10(Sun) Kojima / Lim
16(Sat) Kojima / Lim
17(Sun) Kojima / JEONG
21(Sun) Noda / Kojima
23(Sat) Kojima / JEONG
24(Sun) Noda / Kojima
30(Sat) Kojima / JEONG
31(Sun) Noda / Kojima

Hello! Everyone.
Now winter is nearly over, but this is the time you should be careful not to get cold!

For me, making manga is always based on healthy daily life. Without you being healthy you cannot expect creativity.
I guess it’s not cold anymore I have no excuse not to go out now so I should at least go for a walk and exercise myself…

I hope you are having great early spring and seeing you soon at the museum!
