2019/06/15 Cafe Hello! We are ’Cafe Maeda’. Hello! I am Yamamoto who is cafe manager of ’Cafe Maeda Kyoto International Manga Museum branch'. ...
2019/06/10 Portrait [Portrait] July Artist Schedule Why don’t you get your portrait done at the MM? The artists will draw and talk to you in person! ...
2019/06/03 News MM Yukata Week We will be holding "MM Yukata Week" below period. If you wear Japanese traditional wear to visit,...
2019/06/02 News About the opening of Kyoto International Manga Museum tomorrow Kyoto International Manga Museum was closed in the afternoon today (June 2), because of the bomb thr...
2019/06/02 News Temporary closed today There was a bomb attack warning to Kyoto International Manga Museum earlier. All of the visitors in...
2019/05/27 News About buying admission tickets in advance Until this moment, to buy admission tickets for our museum, using the ticket vending machine at the ...
2019/05/20 Manga Studio [Manga Studio] June Artist Schedule ☆Manga Studio Artist Schedule☆ [June] 1 (Sat) Kojima / Lim 2 (Sun) Kojima / Lim 8 (Sat) Kojima /...
2019/05/16 News Closure notice We will be closed for maintenance on June 11th-13th. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
2019/05/16 MM Kamishibai [Kamishibai] June Schedule 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆Kamishibai June Schedule・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 1 (Sat.) Rakkyomu 2 (Sun.) Ikkyu 3 (M...
2019/05/16 Museumshop Takemiya Keiko 50th Anniversary Exhibition “Kaleidoscope” -exhibition goods! Hello! From Museum shop!! It has been a good season coming these days! When the weather is good, w...