2018/12/24 Manga Studio [Manga Studio] January Artist Schedule ☆Manga Studio Artist Schedule☆ [January] 5 (Sat) Kojima / Lim 6 (Sun) Kojima / Noda 12 (Sat) Koj...
2018/12/21 MM Kamishibai [Kamishibai]January Schedule 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆Kamishibai January Schedule・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 5(Sat.) Danmaru 6(Sun.) Ikkyu 7(M...
2018/12/13 Aramata's days Blog series: Director Aramata’s Daily Pow (Post#3) “The director is still digging today” I’ve been looking for treasure in the collection, digging, digging, digging again. I wonder how far...
2018/12/11 Portrait [Portrait] January Artist Schedule Why don’t you get your portrait done at the MM? The artists will draw and talk to you in person! ...
2018/12/07 Museumshop GIGA TOWN in TERA TOWN -exhibition goods! Hi from Museum shop! Winter is finally arriving! Why don't you visit museum to read manga books ins...